Monthly Archives: May 2015

Friday, May 28, 2015 – Texas Rising – Where? In the Southern Texas Alps?

Friday, May 28, 2015 – Texas Rising – Where? In the Southern Texas Alps?

I was glad to see on FB that I was not the only one who is having some issues with the History Channel’s Texas Rising.  Issues were shared from individuals with a solid knowledge of Texas History to those with advanced and academic knowledge of the topic.  I am somewhere in between.

Granted the beginning credits offer a disclaimer that it is a dramatic interpretation. And it is based on Stephen L. Moore’s book by the same name. Mr. Moore is a native Texan, whose Texas roots go way back and he is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin University – Ax ‘Em Jacks! So he must have Dr. Archie P. McDonald channeled into him for accuracy. He could even be Dr. Archie P. reborn, recycled, updated, Version 2.0 or however you want to look at it.

I think the musical score is great and I really like the kaleidoscope opening of each episode And I do like many other aspects of the series so far.

But some things are stretched beyond imagination and in some cases– just made up, inaccurate stuff.

Including thoughts on FB postings regarding the first episode that aired on Monday, Here’s What I’m Thinking:

One comment said the opening was too sensationalized and went to on question March 7 as the day the bodies were buried. There is some truth to both of those. But I disagree with the sensationalism.  Santa Anna riding through the streets around the mission and the following scenes resembled media footage of villages today conquered by tyrants and ruthless dictators. The scenes are violent, but unfortunately accurate.  Spoiler alert – if you thought the scenes of the Alamo aftermath were violent, wait until you see aftermath of The Battle of Coleto – aka The Goliad Massacre.

As to the March 7 and waiting until the next day to bury the dead –  That is plausible and possible, depending on what time the walls of the mission were breeched, a search, executing stranglers, the smoke clearing, etc.  If it were shortly before midnight, the Mexicans might have waited until daybreak to begin.  Hell, as crazy as Santa Anna was, he might have ordered them to wait until he could see it.

THE GEOGRAPHY and THE GEOLOGY!  When I first saw Houston’s camp in Gonzalez, I thought to myself – where the hell is that? I learned that there is a small geologic formation in Palmetto State Park near Gonzales that does have a drop-off and a cliff.  A similar geologic shape exists in nearby Smithville. So with a stretch of the imagination I could believe this.

Today there are views (at least on the parks’ websites) from both parks that might have resembled Texas territory in 1836.  Unfortunately today, May 29, 2015, both parks are underwater due to the recent flooding.  This is probably why the park in Gonzales is named Palmetto State Park.

As the rangers and soldiers move around, I can imagine some of those really high hills, and maybe some of the large rock formations and even the sandy soil with sparse vegetation.  The CCC planted vegetation in that area during the 1930’s. Much of the landscape would have been destroyed with urbanization.  But with an imagination stretch, maybe.

But those cliffs and mountains?  Get me a confirmation from a geology nerd, but NO WAY did Texas have those types of geologic formations except in some geologic time zone like the Third Ice Age or the Mesozoic or Paleozoic Periods in that part of Texas. Since our grand state does have it all, there are places where beautiful scenes like those do exist but not in that geographic designated area.

Several of the really key watchers picked up on some questionable comments.  For example, when Sam Houston says to Emily West post Alamo “Texas is not a slave state.”  Well, first of all – technically was not a state, but a territory. Depends which side you are asking.

State or territory? Whichever it was, it was a slave one. Slavery was the issue in the overall problems with Mexico.  Mexico’s laws outlawed slavery. And wasn’t Sam Houston a slave owner? Or had been at one time?

And Mexico was having serious issues with Americans immigrating to their country, not learning their language, bringing their slaves, putting their white children in their schools and bringing their traditions and customs. See reverse today.

And the relationship between Sam Houston and Emily West?  Taking comments now! I am speechless and highly doubtful. Has anybody checked on the Daughters of the Republic of Texas? They are probably still passed out in a dead faint.

Thursday, May 27, 2015 – Madam Rose’s Handy Dandy Redux Reflux Colonoscopy Guide – Update 2015

Thursday, May 27, 2015 – Madam Rose’s Handy Dandy Redux Reflux Colonoscopy Guide – Update 2015

This is an update to Madam Rose’s Handy Dandy Colonoscopy Guide from 2005. Here are a few things I learned from the last one.

I found that adding a theme adds to the ambiance associated with your preparations. I chose a green theme this year.


Due to the fact that I have really cool master bath I turned it into my colonoscopy studio and decorated it appropriately for the occasion.

Bathroom decor (600x800)

I am so wishing to be on the beach with a cheeseburger in paradise. I packed an ice chest to minimize the steps to the refrigerator.  I will pretend it is filled with margaritas.

Note: Ms. Rolene – my favorite beach towel I bought to remind me of you.

Pretending you are in a play, TV show or movie scene is optional. I pretended I was in a scene in one of those drug trials prior to FDA approval. I received the test pill that one day will become the warning “Side effects include diarrhea, etc.” Of course Merle Streep would play the part since she can play every part imagined. Maybe Sandra Bullock. I always want her to play me in the movie about me.

I noticed some differences between colonoscopy prep then and colonoscopy prep now.

Then – one had to take their laptop to the bathroom. Now – Take your tablet or smart phone. You can text your friends of your progress and tweet it to all of your followers – with photos if you desire.

Industrial waste supplies are significantly reduced. Then: 10 oz. bottle of Magnesium Citrate Now: None

Then: 386g of Miramax.  Now: 238g of Miramax. All total you drink 48 ounces of industrial waste rather than 72 ounces.

Other than those items the rest of the instructions are the same.  Make some chicken and broth and drink industrial waste and colon cleaning liquids until there is the all clear signal. I decided to go with PowerAde as my sports drink of choice.  I thought the name sounded more appropriate and optimistic than Gatorade.

I made some changes in the Ass Hauler goodie bag. I really think colonoscopy goodie bags could be on Shark Tank. I was unable to find a suitable, yet festive gift bag saying “Thank you for taking me for taking me to my colonoscopy.” The best I came up with was this one with Cars with the hidden surprised with decoder helmet. Goodie Bag (800x600)

I thought my Ass Hauler could look for things while the doctors are doing the same. New contents include some pages shared from my adult coloring book and a new box of Crayolas with two tiers of colors.  You know adult coloring books are all the rage.

I suggest deleting the small notebook and writing implement. Last time the Ass Hauler wrote down everything I said while I was not remembering.  The Ass Hauler can use his or her smartphone to capture your recovery and post it to social media before you arrive back home.

This is all l I want to know and hear and I can remember it – “All clear.”

Today is National Hamburger Day and I want one NOW. “I like mine with lettuce and tomatoes; Heinz 57 and French fried potatoes; big Kosher pickle and a cold draft beer; good God a mighty which way do I steer. (Jimmy Buffet-Cheeseburger in Paradise)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015 – The Day Before From 2005

Wednesday, May 27, 2015 – The Day Before From 2005

 Madam Rose’s Handy Dandy Directions and Suggestions for Your Colonoscopy

One to Two Days Before the Actual Procedure

Step 1

Clean your house.  Actually, this step is optional.  But if you are about to clean your colon, why not go ahead and clean your house?  Remember some one must transport you and will see your house when he or she arrives to pick you up. The friend whose is required to take you doesn’t really care about your house. He or she is responsible for getting your ass to and from the procedure. But should something unfortunately go amiss, people can say, “But wasn’t she a good housekeeper?”

Step 1A

If you choose not to clean the entire house, at least clean the bathroom. The colonoscopy instructions from the doctor’s office state:

“Stay close to the bathroom. Tell family members the bathroom is yours.”

What this means is stay IN the bathroom. You do not have to tell family members anything. They have probably chosen to sleep over at neighbors or check into a nearby hotel because of the sounds emerging from the bathroom.

Step 2

Once the house is clean, it is time to purchase your colon cleaning supplies. These supplies are divided into two categories – 1. Food and 2. Industrial Waste.

Part One – Food – Go to grocery store and purchase the following items:

  • Chicken breasts
  • Chicken broth
  • Chicken bullion
  • A case of bottled water. Note: Tap water may be substituted, but remember the goal is to cleanse the colon.
  • Green tea. Since I think green tea tastes like what is supposed to be coming out of the colon, I prefer flavored green teas. I like the little packets of tea that can be mixed with water. Buy at least enough for half of the case of water.
  • Popsicles *
  • Jell-O*
  • Two twelve packs of 8 oz. bottles of Gatorade*
  • One 64 oz bottle of Gatorade.* Ask the clerk to assist you in getting it off the shelf should you not be able to lift and risk a hernia.

I prefer Gatorade. I have difficulty in purchasing a product with the term Propel in it when I am preparing for my colon cleansing.

*You cannot have colors that are blue, red or purple. So that pretty much leaves yellow or if you are fortunate to find green.

  • Aloe baby wipes or Desiden ointment. If this is not your first colonoscopy rodeo, you know what this is for. If it is your first, you will figure the reason for this purchase quickly. Chapstick may be used. However, this is not recommended as one is apt to confuse which tube is for which orifice.
  • Straws. See Industrial Waste for straw instructions.
  • Magazines, if desired. I prefer books.
  • Toilet Paper. Even if you purchased a double roll – 32 pack yesterday, buy more. This is definitely not the time to run out of toilet paper. You might want to splurge for that super-soft, aloe brand.

Part Two – Industrial Waste Purchase.

The substances are available over the counter and may be purchased at the grocery story. I prefer to go to the pharmacy. Whichever location selected, purchase the following items:

  • Dulolax Tablets. You only need four, but the smallest number for purchase is 25 tablets.
  • Components for Industrial Waste
    • Magnesium citrate works by attracting water through the tissues by a process known as osmosis. Once in the intestine, it can attract enough water into the intestine to induce defecation. The additional water also helps to create more feces, which naturally stimulates bowel motility. One definitely wants to ensure bowel motility.10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate – See color instructions above. Try to purchase a brand that advertises Pasteurized; Sparkling Saline Laxative. I like the sparkling part.
    • 386g of Miralax. This is Polyethylene Glycol 3350 and Powder for Solution laxative.
Golfer 2

It obviously improves your golf game too.

While at the pharmacy, purchase some fun items for the person hauling your ass to do while you are having the butt light. This person’s title is Ass Hauler. I suggest selecting these prior to selecting the Industrial Waste components.  This way you can hide the five pounds of laxatives in your basket under the fun items.

Fun items are dependent on the season, level of relationship, personal preferences and other factors.  Since Easter is the next celebration my fun items consist of: huge rabbit sunglasses should my Ass Hauler choose not to be recognized; a word search book; a cheap, fun, but boring toy; a package of gum; and a Starbucks card since there is one next door.

I also included a package of a dozen yellow peeps – those sticky sugar rabbit/chicken confections. These are multi-purpose amusement items. They are fun to put in the microwave. They can be left out over night and hardened for projectiles. One can make Peep Villages. Include a shoe box and the person can make a Peep diorama. And if extremely hungry, the Peeps can be eaten.

Also include a small notebook and writing implement.  This individual serves as your personal amanuensis. He or she is to write down what the doctor says.  You are unable to do this since you are given drugs that cause a severe episode of CRS – Can’t Remember Shit. This notes a certain irony given the procedure in question.

Step 3

  1. Upon returning home, cook the chicken by boiling it in water to create a broth. When cooked, remove the chicken but save the broth. Put the chicken in the fridge. To the chicken water add a couple of bouillon cubes pour in some chicken broth and throw in some seasonings. Heat the liquid; let it cool and store in refrigerator. On the day of the cleansing, you can drink the broth. Upon arrival back home after the procedure, add the chicken, some rice or noodles and eat.
  2. Refrigerate your liquids and popsicles.
  3. Fix the Jell-O according to instructions.

Notice the items in this photo.

 Pic one

One should maintain a clear, semi-liquid diet prior to the cleansing.  Beef is not recommended due to clogging of the colon. Do not eat sausage. It is just morally wrong to eat the intestines of lower life forms while you are about to clean yours.

 One Day Prior to the Procedure

In the morning, chill the 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate As shown in this photo, a certain level of ambience is achieved and pleasant décor is presented.

Pic 2

Mix the 64 oz. bottle of Gatorade with the Miralax.  Stir well. Chill. Yes, you are going to drink all of this.

One Hour Prior to Preparation

  • If your house is wireless, move your laptop to the bathroom. Searching the internet provides you something to do while you are in the bathroom. You can also email your friends of your progress. It is not recommended that you move your desktop computer to the bathroom.
  • Get your IPOD or other portable music device.
  • Get a book, magazine or other reading material.
  • Ensure baby wipes are near by.
  • Ensure toilet paper is close by.
  • Put on sweats or other pants that do not require belts, buttons or zippers.
  • Print out these instructions to include with the fun items for your Ass Hauler.

At the appointed hour, begin. Follow the doctor’s instructions.

  • Take the tablets.
  • Drink the Magnesium Citrate.
  • Drink Gatorade/Miralax. This is where the straw comes in.  Some say drinking through a straw helps. I prefer non-bendable straws. This keeps the Industrial Waste moving.  I do not want to slow down the sludge by having to force it to make a right angle turn in the straw.
  • Move to bathroom for remainder of the evening with brief trips to get drinks.
  • Keep drinking all the liquids, including chicken broth, popsicles and Jell-O.

The Day of the Procedure

Don’t forget the fun items when your Ass Hauler picks you up.

With your colon now pristine clean, lay back and enjoy.  The worst part is over. Drugs are soon to be administered. You won’t feel or remember a thing. That is why you have someone to haul your ass back home and tell you what you did and said.

In all seriousness, as you spend a seemingly eternity allowing the 74 oz of laxatives to pulsate through your intestinal tract and out, think of the alternative. Colon cancer. Colon cancer is preventable. Get a colonoscopy performed.



Tuesday, May 26, 2015 – Here Comes the Sun

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 – Here Comes the Sun

Trivia questions – Who sang Here Comes the Sun and when was the last morning you awoke when it was shining?

Speaking of light, I am studying for my colonoscopy assessment on Thursday. Being the over achiever that I am (and really smart person) I actually began studying over the weekend by reducing and deleting selected foods from my diet. This is not the type of test one wants to cram for.  And if you do not drink clear liquids and do not pee more than usual, then one adds the letter P to cram and you have “cramp.”  Unfortunately, vodka is not on the clear liquid choice of beverages.

The actual assessment is Thursday morning. Spoiler alert. There will be no pictures or video. People show their ass enough on Facebook and social media so I do not need to literally show you mine. Damn, just split my infinitive – to show you mine literally – Thank you Mrs. Traugh, Mrs. Burnside and Mrs Ward – English teaching trio at MHS.

It has been 16 years since I had a first inside look at my colon. I had one again in five years and now I am at the 10 year mark. I got five pages of instructions. The health care person said the preparation process has improved significantly in 16 years. I am glad to hear that.  If the field of medicine were on the same time line as the field of education, medicine would still be using leeches.

Note: Field of medicine and field of education come from my dissertation defense in 1984:

Dr. Frances C. – Please discuss why medicine and education are considered fields of study and fields of practice.

Soon to be outstanding in her own field – Yes. Thank you, Dr. Frances C.

“Blah, blah, blah. Intelligent words, yadda yadda, use big words, articulate and enunciate… “and in conclusion, the field of medicine gets the necessary resources to attract, obtain and retain highly qualified individuals to advance the practices learned; while the field of education has no money, no support, rules made by political governing bodies who have not stepped inside a school since they attended and then argued for days by state boards of idiots, halting advancements of practices learned because they are not mentioned in the Bible.” That was not exactly what I said, but similar.

I must go study. Please do not send well -wishing messages. I got a gut feeling everything will come out fine.

Sine Die is coming! Help us all!

Here Comes the Sun was sung by The Beatles – more specifically George Harrison on the Abbey Road album. I am disappointed if you did not know this. Last morning when I awoke to the sun?  Maybe March?

Here are the lyrics to Here Comes the Sun.  Guess which part I am singing?

Here comes the sun; Doo doo doo doo ; Here comes the sun and I say It’s alright

Little darling, it’s been a long, cold, lonely winter Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here

Here comes the sun; Doo doo doo doo; Here comes the sun and I say It’s alright

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here

Here comes the sun; Doo doo doo doo; Here comes the sun and I say It’s alright

Sun, sun, sun Here it comes x 5

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear

Here comes the sun;Doo doo doo doo Here comes the sun and I say It’s alright

Here comes the sun; Doo doo doo doo Here comes the sun It’s alright

It’s alright




Monday, May 25, 2015 – Set Those Recording Devices and Remember the Alamo!

Monday, May 25, 2015 – Set Those Recording Devices and Remember the Alamo!

Set those recording devices! Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!

“Texas Our Texas” – All hail the mighty state…Texas Rising is on TV tonight!

Texas Rising is a five-night series event which details the Texas Revolution and the rise of the Texas Rangers on the History Channel at 8:00 PM Central Time.

Remember when we all rushed home to watch the mini-series Roots? Note: to techno generations – There was no technology. VCRs were still fighting over VHS and Beta formats and had not reached yet critical mass. We were literally still watching television when the program was aired. But I digress.

Here is a little something, I bet you did not know. My sister and I have no idea the reason our father, HB, received this. BTW – Oh Sister, Where Art Thou?

HB Texas Ranger Badge (800x600)

Special Texas Ranger Badge, two ID cards and card from Texas Ranger Museum

When I took it to the Texas Ranger Museum in Waco, they were unfamiliar with it, but verified its authenticity as a product of the Texas Rangers.

The two cards are signed by Homer Garrison, Jr. Colonel Garrison became director of the Department of Public Safety and chief of the Texas Rangers in 1938.

A Google of Colonel Garrison takes you the Texas State Historical Commission’s site.

In looking at the site the bibliography caught my attention.

Ben Procter, “The Texas Rangers: An Overview,” in The Texas Heritage, ed. Ben Procter and Archie P. McDonald (St. Louis: Forum, 1980). Vertical Files, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin

How many Lumberjacks took history from Archie P. McDonald?

Saturday, May 23, 2015 – Memorial Weekend Video

Saturday, May 23, 2015 – Memorial Weekend Video

You met Doc Matthews, Mr. Ray Haliburton and Mr. J. V. McClanahan and saw a few of the photographs from Honor Flight Austin in previous posts.  Here is a segment of the video I created for them. This segment is from the Tomb of the Unknowns and Arlington National Cemetery.

I was not shooting video so I did not capture the United States Army Band played. The Star Spangled Banner.  But the memory of the moment will never be erased.

Friday, May 22, 2015 – Ralph M Smith, Corporal, United States Army, Vietnam Conflict – May 31, 1948 – October* 27, 1969

Ralph Smith

Here's What I'm Thinking

Friday, May 22, 2015 – Ralph M Smith, Corporal, United States Army, Vietnam Conflict – May 31, 1948 – October 27, 1969*

In 1997 on a trip to Washington D.C., I toured the monuments.  While I had seen most of them before, on this trip I saw one monument in a different light and from a new perspective. Upon returning to my hotel room that night, I wrote this letter.

May 1997

Dear Mr. Smith,

We never had an opportunity to meet. However, a friend of yours asked me to find you while I am visiting Washington D. C.  And so, I gaze along this wall of black granite. Somewhere your name is listed amidst the 58,208 others. I’ve seen this wall before. This is the second time I have actually come to find a name.

I was told you were from a small west Texas town. Colorado City, I…

View original post 783 more words

Thursday, May 21, 2015 – Captain John Robert Baldridge, MIA, Vietnam Conflict

A Reblog- Lost the Twitter feed. Sorry.

Here's What I'm Thinking

Thursday, May 21, 2015 – Captain John Robert Baldridge, MIA, Vietnam Conflict

Captain John Robert Baldridge, MIA, Vietnam Conflict


Name – John Robert Baldridge, Jr.

Rank – Captain

Panel – 16 W 97

Status – MIA

I wore the POW bracelet with the name John R. Baldridge, Jr. on it while I attended undergraduate school at Stephen F. Austin State University (1967-1971). That would mean almost my four years in college.

I continued to wear it until it became too fragile to wear.  The bracelet is lost among the memories of time but the memory of him is not.

Unfortunately, I never met him. But I never forgot his name. The first time I visited the Vietnam Wall in Washington D. C. in the mid 1990’s I did a rubbing of his name. I did not realize the significance of the symbol beside his name until I had returned to…

View original post 516 more words

Friday, May 22, 2015 – Ralph M Smith, Corporal, United States Army, Vietnam Conflict – May 31, 1948 – October* 27, 1969

Friday, May 22, 2015 – Ralph M Smith, Corporal, United States Army, Vietnam Conflict – May 31, 1948 – October 27, 1969*

In 1997 on a trip to Washington D.C., I toured the monuments.  While I had seen most of them before, on this trip I saw one monument in a different light and from a new perspective. Upon returning to my hotel room that night, I wrote this letter.

May 1997

Dear Mr. Smith,

We never had an opportunity to meet. However, a friend of yours asked me to find you while I am visiting Washington D. C.  And so, I gaze along this wall of black granite. Somewhere your name is listed amidst the 58,208 others. I’ve seen this wall before. This is the second time I have actually come to find a name.

I was told you were from a small west Texas town. Colorado City, I believe was the name. The population in 1997 was 7885. In the late sixties the entire town must have known when you and your buddy left home.

Your friend told me that the two of you completed your basic training at Fort Bliss in El Paso and you completed your advanced training at Fort Riley, Kansas. You were only in Vietnam nine days before you returned to Texas with the eligibility requirement that would later allow your name to be added to this monument.

Until I looked up your name in the directory at this monument, Ralph Smith was all I knew about you.  Upon finding your name, I now know it was Ralph Mack Smith.  You held the rank of Corporal.  You were born on May 31, 1948. Corporal Smith, I looked up the day you were born.  It was a Monday, the day after Memorial Day.  (The law that moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30 date to the last Monday in May took effect in 1971.)

As I moved my finger across the line in the directory, I see that you died on November 27, 1969. That was a Wednesday – the day before Thanksgiving Day.  That would mean your family and friends found out as they were probably offering prayers of thanks and praying for your safe return.  It also meant they faced a holiday season and new decade with grief and sorrow. Corporal Smith, you were 21 years, five months and 27 days old.

On November 27, 1969, I was preparing Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I was 20 years, ten months and 27 days old.  When I was that age, I was protesting against people like you and things that were happening.  Time and age do change perceptions.

I think this wall has made people change their viewpoints and perceptions on many issues.  Maybe neither one of us understood the world.  Who at age 21 does? But I got to see and learn about the world.  You did not. I got to see and learn about it because of people like you.

It is amazing how this wall can pull you into it. Corporal Smith, your name is listed on Panel 17 W, Line 125. It is near the bottom of the panel. There is no irony lost on the fact that in order to touch your name, one must kneel and bow their head.

So Corporal Smith, on this Memorial Day, I kneel and touch your name and remember you and what you did.  I do not think I will ever understand why. But after almost 30 years, I can say with great respect that I appreciate your sacrifice.

I never knew you, Corporal Ralph Mack Smith, but others did.  I am sure you were a good son, a loyal friend and the lost love of a nice girl.

Every soldier should be remembered today and every day. Today, I remembered you. Thank you, Corporal Ralph Mack Smith for your bravery. I am proud to live in the land of the free because of the brave.


Dr. Delia R. Duffey

Ralph 2 (800x600)

Vietnam Wall – Washington D. C


Forward to May 2, 2015

The Museum of the America GI sits just outside College Station, Texas on Highway 6. On May 2, the Museum held the dedication of the Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit. The exhibit displays 3,417 dog tags commemorating Texans lost in Vietnam.

Dog Tags GI Museum

Dog Tags Wall

I attended the ceremony and held Corporal Smith’s dog tag. When I saw Corporal Smith’s name in the directory at The Vietnam Wall in Washington, I wrote his date of loss as November 27, 1969.  His dog tags show date of loss as October* 27, 1969. That is probably the more accurate.Dog Tags  (800x600)Ralph Smith dog tag  (800x600)

It does not matter.  Families across America lost sons that day and continue to do so as you read this. Pray for peace.

And honor and celebrate those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Read more about the exhibit and the museum on its website.

From its website

The Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit was developed by the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument committee to honor and remember every Texan who died in the Vietnam War, including the 102 Texans who remain Missing in Action. Every Texan who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam is individually represented on one of a pair of dog tags that includes his name, rank, branch of service, date of loss and home of record. The second tag is entombed inside the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument that was dedicated March 29, 2014 on the northeast grounds of the Texas State Capitol. A scale model replica of the monument is included in the exhibit. Continued on

Thursday, May 21, 2015 – Captain John Robert Baldridge, MIA, Vietnam Conflict

Thursday, May 21, 2015 – Captain John Robert Baldridge, MIA, Vietnam Conflict

Captain John Robert Baldridge, MIA, Vietnam Conflict


Name – John Robert Baldridge, Jr.

Rank – Captain

Panel – 16 W 97

Status – MIA

I wore the POW bracelet with the name John R. Baldridge, Jr. on it while I attended undergraduate school at Stephen F. Austin State University (1967-1971). That would mean almost my four years in college.

I continued to wear it until it became too fragile to wear.  The bracelet is lost among the memories of time but the memory of him is not.

Unfortunately, I never met him. But I never forgot his name. The first time I visited the Vietnam Wall in Washington D. C. in the mid 1990’s I did a rubbing of his name. I did not realize the significance of the symbol beside his name until I had returned to Texas.

When the Vietnam Traveling Wall came to Georgetown, Texas about seven years ago, I took this photograph. It hangs on a wall in my office.

 Capt. John Robert Baldridge

Since the days of wearing Captain Baldridge’s name on my wrist, with the help of the internet and social media, I learned that Butch, as his friends called him, attended Texas A&M University.

With those tools in mind, here’s hoping someone might read this, see his name, recognize some of the data in the linked websites and can provide more information.

With that in mind, here are some links that tell the story of John Robert, “Butch,” Baldridge, Jr.beginning with basic data from a compilation of sources and resources. The symbols +++ are used to separate the various sites. Yes, the + is intentional and similar to the symbol that precedes Captain Baldridge’s name on the Vietnam Wall.

Basic information and data


Name: John Robert Baldridge

Rank/Branch: United States Air Force/O2


Date of Birth: 02 November 1946

Home City of Record: Memphis TN

Date of Loss: 20 November 1969

Country of Loss: Laos

Loss Coordinates: 152300 North  1073200 East

Status (in 1973): Presumptive Finding of Death

Category: 3

Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: O2A #21301


Other Personnel in Incident: Walter Renelt, still missing,PFOD

Refno: 1524

Source: Compiled by P.O.W. NETWORK from one or more of the following: raw

data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA

families, published sources, interviews and CACCF = Combined Action

Combat Casualty File.


No further information available at this time.


From The Vietnam Letters website

John Robert Baldridge Jr.


Unit: 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron

Date of Birth: 2-Nov-46 Date of Death: 20-Nov-69 City: Memphis State: TN

Notes: Captain Baldridge was a member of the 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron. On November 20, 1969, he was the pilot of a Cessna Skymaster Observation Aircraft (O-2A) on a mission over Laos when his aircraft was shot down. His remains were not recovered. His name is inscribed on the Courts of the Missing at the Honolulu Memorial.

Did you know John Robert Baldridge Jr.? Did you serve with him? Did you wear his bracelet? Do you have a story of him or photo to share?  If you can answer yes to any of those questions, please leave a comment, so all can know that he has not been forgotten.


This website details the crash.


The Virtual Wall

The Virtual Wall provides the best memory of Captain Baldridge. It is an interactive site that allows one to search names on Vietnam Wall.  Click on the link below and see his medals learn a bit more about him.


On  May 31, 2010, in Captain’s Baldridge’s home state of Tennessee, he and others from the state were honored by The Single Chair. As of that date there were still 32 MIAs from Tennessee alone!


How many others still have a status of POW/MIA? Click on the link – POW/

and watch the names scroll across your screen.

Thank you, Butch and all the others for your sacrifice.