Monthly Archives: May 2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Happy Saturday. In honor of Maya Angelou who passed away this week, I selected three quotes. She had and shared so many beautiful thoughts, it was difficult to select a topic, let alone a quote about that topic.  But perhaps, like me, you will enjoy these three.

The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread, and fried chicken.

I love a Hebrew National hot dog with an ice-cold Corona – no lime. If the phone rings, I won’t answer until I’m done.

Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.

May 30, 2014

May 30, 2014

Greetings on this the eve of the last day in May. June 1 and hurricane season are just a couple of days away. So are 90 degree days. How far away are 100 degree days?  Welcome to summertime in Texas. Obviously, no one in the family has read my comparison of Austin and B/CS. I suspect that had they done so, there might have been a comment regarding their placement second to the Texas Aggies.  Well, first of all, it was a close second. And second, the Aggies are like family. I forgot to mention that the top news story over the weekend was the closing of Fuego Tortilla Grill in College Station. It seems this is a hot, late night, after hours, early morning, after the bars, breakfast taco kind of place to go. It voluntarily closed to due to an outbreak of salmonella. I hate it when those little salmonella break out of their little cages and take up residence in your intestinal tract.  The next day the top story was how the place was cleaned top to bottom, not once, but twice.  The second cleaning was done by an outside company. By day three, the place was back open and the parking lot filled with eager customers.  It seems eggs were the source of the outbreak. Coming in a distant second in the news was a police shooting of an elderly woman in Hernia, two robberies, a pervy, Perry appointee dentist who took pictures of his female assistants changing clothes and an assault in Caldwell.  Now that is just KBTX in Bryan. I also get the news from Waco-Temple. Talk about being along a cultural corridor. I have not heard the terms “legislature,” “bicycles” or “downtown closings due to festival” in over a month. Such is life in the Brazos Valley.  Go Spurs.

May 29, 2014

I’m a little Tea Pot; short and stout; This is my Senate and this is my clout.  Also known as just when we thought we could not do worse, with Dewhurst. Hang On Buckaroos, this is shaping up to be a Texas government for the history books.  May I be the first of a long and growing group who said “Be careful what you wish for?”  With the distinct possibility of Dan Patrick taking dictatorship over the Texas Senate, it is enough to turn Texas back into a blue state. Where are those Castro brothers?  But I now live in a county so red that I bought a pair of red shorts to look as though I fit in.  What are the residents of Bryan called? Bryanites? Bryanettes? I am pretty certain the people who live north in Hearne are called Hernias. And of course the residents of College State are called Aggies.  Last Saturday my friend, Karen R and I went to the Longhorn Steak House in downtown Bryan. When she asked “what kind of red wine do you have?” the response was “merlot” and “cabernet.” However the steak was delicious and the sign as you exit said it all “You call it a mascot; we call it a steak.”  One morning while she was here, we took a walk around my new neighborhood. We happened upon the across the street neighbor – RC. Not Slocum. More like the cola. But RC had his bible tucked under his arm. I asked what he was going to do and he replied, “I am going to go read to some of the people in my church.” And then he asked “Do you ladies go to church?” Karen responded first while I hoped he would not ask me, but then RC turn to me and said “How about you?”  Truthfully, I said, “I was confirmed right down the street here at St. Joseph’s and I might give it a try since I moved back.” RC kind of made a hurrmph sound and said “Catholic, huh? Some of my best Christian friends are Catholic.”  I am not sure those red shorts are going to be enough.

Welcome to Bryan

May 28, 2014

Here I am in Bryan; where the hell are you?  Actually I think the lyric is “Here I am in Dallas, where the hell are you?”, but it does not change the fact that I tomorrow marks one month since I became a resident of Bryan, Texas. Zip code 77802. Why Bryan? Best answer – why not? However, since I paid large sums of money to learn to use big words, I will.  Therefore, I give you:

A Comparative Analysis of Ten Selected Socioeconomic Attributes of a Major Texas Urban Town in Central Texas and Two in the Brazos Valley.





A north/south Interstate Highway; multiple toll roads; Loop 1 under construction for miles; Nightmare on Lamar begins in the fall and that is just north Austin

Bryan is the only city in Texas NOT connected to an Interstate Highway; no toll roads; no loop


Congestion on all roads; stop and go; massive construction

I had to wait for three cars before I could turn left the other day and the left turn light was still not on


Giant holes in the ground for high rise buildings; 100 people move to Austin/day; see above mentioned attributes

KYLE Field – ready to seat (or stand) 101,000 by Fall


A million and growing daily

Bryan – less than 100,000; can still feel the difference when TAMU is not in full session


Longhorn Network

SEC Network


Forced to relive “glory days” from long ago and watch Justin Tucker kick that field goal.

Johnny Manziel is a god.



ONE – see above


All of the chains and more, but no parking and/or back in parking

All of the chains and more and plenty of parking – even downtown


3 hours away

1.5 hours away


New AD; New coach; no QB; must play Baylor and OU and the rest of the BIG 12

Seasoned coach; does have QB and hope he is sober and not passed out in flower bed on game day; The Aggies never lose; sometimes time runs out.